My Testimony written for the Vlife web site

The Vlife motto is Live, Love, and Pursue. I hope to

articulate just how dramatically and drastically a

hand full of young adults, living by that motto,

changed my life and quite honestly saved my life.

I guess it has been about 5 years now, since I sat on the

edge of my bed holding my 9 mm pistol.  I remember it vividly.  I had two rounds

loaded and ready. Clutching the pistol, filled with despair, my mind ran out of

control.  I couldn’t take it.  I wanted so badly to pull the trigger, and be done with

the life that I had made for myself.   “What happened?” I had gone from being a

kid with dreams, morals and hope to a desperate, depressed, border-line

alcoholic, now with a loaded pistol ready to end his life. I trembled at the

thought. The thought of being found dead by my friends and family,

admitting to failure. I suppose I gave one last “cry”.  I prayed to God.

“If you are real, if there is more to this life, then I need to know.

I have to know. Otherwise, next time I am pulling the trigger.

” Honestly, I never expected anything to happen. I didn’t think I

would get an answer, but I had to hope in something . . . anything.

Within the next few weeks, I met Jeremy and he invited me to

D 101 (a bible-study).  Reluctantly, I accepted his invitation,

and over the next few months, I encountered Jesus and his Holy Spirit.

This transformed my life! No longer was it about some distant God

and an outdated church. It was real life, with real people, in a real

community living the Gospel. To say I am thankful for Vlife would

be an understatement.  I whole-heartedly believe if not for this

community of young adults, I would either be dead or a full-blown

alcoholic. It is with this confidence that I beg anyone who is looking for

a place to belong, who feels broken beyond repair, or wants to be part of

something bigger than themselves, to come join us and let the transformation begin.


Visit  for more testimonies like this one and to engage with a growing group of young adults eager to bring change if only one person at a time. Join us as we LIVE life to the fullest, learn to LOVE to our fullest and PROGRESS in relationship with one another and God. Welcome to the next generation of disciples as eager, dependent, and expectant as the original 12 !

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